What not to do in the journey
Arriving in a foreign country, you need to follow local rules and we once again…

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Deceived tourist: how to avoid the tricks of fraudsters
Along with the sights, customs, culture, food and shelter, it is important to know the…

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“I am not going to eat!” Or how much is the refusal of the tour?
A person, as you know, only assumes ... But real life sometimes changes all plans…


The melting glacier in the Swiss Alps caused the closure of an old hotel
The mountain hotel Belvedere is located on the Furka Pass, the most snow-covered region of…

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sacred institutions

Manor Lampsakov – the pearl of Asinovsky district

Intensive working days tend to end (albeit briefly), and then the Tomsk citizens face the question: where would they spend the long-awaited weekend? Those who wish to go away from the bustle of the city will be ideally suited for a holiday, located among the evergreen centuries-old fir trees and pines.
The manor boasts not only a good location, but also a rich and amazing history. The complex of seven monuments of wooden architecture of the early twentieth century owes its appearance to Nikolai Lampsakov, one of the first graduates of the medical faculty of the Tomsk Imperial University. Continue reading

Holidays at sea with children. Is it real?

How to relax with a child? How to start fees, how to choose a place and time of stay, what to take with you? After the birth of a small karapuz everything changed. You understand that you do not belong to yourself the way it was before the birth of this pink-cheeked happiness. Sessions with girlfriends were replaced by rare phone calls, and the time devoted to the creation of sports or sports, was lost somewhere without a trace. The same thing happens with rest and travel. Or not? Let’s see! Continue reading

Cheating in Indian or Popular Divorce Schemes

For most Europeans, India is a fantastic country with beautiful architecture and mysterious culture. But, going there as a tourist, you should throw off your rose-colored glasses and dispel the romantic haze of upcoming adventures. We must not forget that for Indians, a man with fair skin is a potential prey, with which you can fuck. In order not to spoil the pleasure of a holiday in India, you should definitely get acquainted with the different types of deception that may lie in wait for you in a faraway country.
1. Outdoor massage Continue reading

Popular Kavros opens its doors
Kavros is located near Georgioupolis. From the very beginning, this small resort town received a…


Amazing resort in Switzerland
This article will be told about the unique entertainment resort of Crans-Montana, which is located…


Watch Miami with us more interesting!
This is one of the most popular resorts in the state of Florida. Sprawling on…
