In Iceland opened a hotel with rooms in the form of soap bubbles: they are absolutely transparent
It’s hard to imagine, but the owner of the hotel The 5 Million Star himself…

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Spain: the best places to relax
Spain is a great place for an interesting holiday filled with a real holiday. The…

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New Year on the beach: dreams come true!
A beach holiday in the winter is a great way to diversify gray everyday life…


Life after vacation
When it comes to getting out of vacation, you can find a lot of tips…

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apartment fee

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Life after vacation

When it comes to getting out of vacation, you can find a lot of tips related to overcoming the psychological problems of a return to workdays. But very few people think that it is also necessary from a financial point of view to get out of the holiday correctly. When, after a long working year, we leave to rest, we often relax so much that we do not consider spending and drop everything that we have in a couple of weeks: walk for a walk. However, after returning home, we need to live at least until the advance payment, and even hold out for a month.
numbering- small.pngDid not dig a hole Continue reading

Dear cheap flight

Who among us does not dream of flying for a week or two or third somewhere to warm countries? Where the sea splashes, the sun warms, where both the soul and the body rest … I think everyone dreams of this. Only here, in connection with the economic situation, many more can afford a full-fledged tour to the warm shores, but not everyone. What to do? You can save or take a loan and not refuse yourself anything, but you can try to save money. Not at the very rest, but on the road, that is, at the cost of the actual flights. Continue reading

The project “Try yourself a hermit” – an alternative vacation for Tomsk citizens

The project is ideal for those who want to touch the mysterious and harsh life of the Siberian north, test themselves, and also try life in a skete. The participants have the opportunity not only to experience the beauty of the northern nature, but also to familiarize themselves with the life of the Ostyaks-Selkups.
The project “Try Yourself a Recluse” differs from popular tourist offers in that when it gets into the “discomfort zone” psychological stress occurs. There are no familiar benefits of civilization – electricity, mobile phones, the Internet and computers. Continue reading

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Insured! Rest easy!
No matter how much you talk about the benefits of voluntary insurance, recourse to this…


Glowing beaches in the Maldives
The article is devoted to the sights of the Republic of Maldives - luminous beaches.…


Cheating in Indian or Popular Divorce Schemes
For most Europeans, India is a fantastic country with beautiful architecture and mysterious culture. But,…
