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Castle Hluboká nad Vltavou pearl for the tourist

Trying to talk about the sights of Prague and its surroundings is not easy. It is enough to see with your own eyes once, never to forget this beauty. Tourists who have visited these places at least once in their lives fall in love with these fabulous lands and try to return there more than once.
Fortresses and medieval castles of the Czech Republic are known throughout the tourist world. Medieval castles whose photos are found in every excursion avenue are literally imbued with the spirit of the time, so if you decide to visit the Czech Republic, be sure to visit at least a few of them. For example:
140 km from Prague, is one of the most beautiful castles in Europe – Hluboká nad Vltavou. Most tourists come to this region of the Czech Republic precisely to visit the extraordinary beauty of the building. Castle Hluboka nad Vltavou will not disregard any tourist.
If you plunge into history, the first mention of it began in 1253. At the site of the castle was once the fortress of Frognburg. Over the years, she changed many owners, and significantly changed her architectural style.
Otakar II built a Gothic castle from the fortress and only then it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style, and already in the early 18th century – in the Baroque style. From 1661 to 1947, the castle whose photo you see was in the possession of the Schwarzenberg family.
The building includes 140 rooms, 11 towers, 2 courtyards, as well as a glazed greenhouse and stables. The rooms of the castle surprise with their indescribable beauty. Here you will see Venetian mirrors, precious Belgian tapestries, a 26-ton granite fireplace, a gold-painted ceiling with precious chandeliers. On the walls of the castle hung hunting trophies of the owners. You can also see the Schwarzenberg knightly armor, weapons, porcelain, glass collections and antique tapestries. Just imagine: the library of the castle has 12 thousand volumes of books in different languages!
The most beautiful castle Hluboká nad Vltavou is located on the territory of an English park of 190 hectares with rare varieties of trees and bushes, as well as artificial ponds. The castle was recognized as the best tourist destination in the Czech Republic in 2010.
Now the town of Hluboká nad Vltavou whose photos will be one of the most valuable in your tourist collection, is open for visits all year round.

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