Holidays at sea with children. Is it real?
How to relax with a child? How to start fees, how to choose a place…

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Life after vacation
When it comes to getting out of vacation, you can find a lot of tips…

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Memo to those who want to Zanzibar
Zanzibar is a magnificent island in the Indian Ocean, where stunning white sand beaches and…


What to do in case of loss of personal belongings on vacation
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Happy cities: colorful capitals of the world

Most of the capitals are not particularly lively paints. Most often these are gray cities of concrete and glass, in which you can sometimes find majestic buildings, skillfully lined with stone or brick. But still there are capitals that are striking in their colors, the streets of which look like a holiday. We offer an overview of the most colorful capitals of the world.
The striking pink-brown city is recognized as one of the most important architectural centers of the Middle East. It is not just the capital of the country, it is also a monument of historical heritage, included in the UNESCO list. In addition, it is also the most high-altitude capital on the planet – 2300 meters above sea level, the oldest inhabited city that still operates. Located in a mountain valley, the city was inhabited more than 2500 years ago. Over time, it became an important Islamic center. This is confirmed by 103 mosques, 14 hammams, six thousand houses built before the 11th century. Colorful bazaars, high-rise buildings attract tourists from all over the world.
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is probably the most romantic name for the capital. He is named after Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, the second son of Queen Victoria, who visited the island in 1867. The nearest settlement to him is at a distance of 1500 miles on St. Helena, where Napoleon served his sentence when he was in prison. Therefore, the town is considered one of the most remote capitals in the world. Due to the eruption of the volcano in 1961, residents had to go to the UK, but two years later they returned and rebuilt the cheerful and colorful capital.
Located on the banks of the Tagus River, Lisbon is striking in its history, reflected in a vibrant urban landscape. Its magnificent palaces, churches and castle convey all the richness of the historical heritage of the city, eclectic architecture and culture, so it differs from other European capitals. He survived the reign of Julius Caesar, the attacks of the Germanic tribes, the era of the Moors and Christians. Despite the fact that it is one of the oldest cities in the world, it is still considered an important financial, commercial, entertainment, cultural, educational and tourist center.
With a population of only 15469 people, Nuuk is considered one of the smallest capitals in the world. It was founded in 1728 by the Danish-Norwegian missionary Hans Egede. The architecture of the city impresses with all the colors of the rainbow. The house should be not only functional, innovative, but also unique.
Port Stanley is the capital and the only city in the Falkland Islands. Its population is only 2115 people. Nevertheless, there is the Museum of the Falkland Islands, the Government House, built in 1845, a prison for 13 prisoners. It is said that the task of the Falkland Islands is to advertise the British lifestyle abroad. Heather fields, windmills, a sea of ​​beer and unpredictable weather surprisingly cope with the goal.
The city, named after King George III, is the capital of Penang in Malaysia. The population is 200 thousand people. It was founded in 1786 by Captain Francis Light. The historic shopping center was divided into banking and shopping districts. Bright colorful temples, amazing streets are witnesses of the colonial era, giving the city a unique colorful character. But not only capitals can be merry and bright, there are many multicolored cities in the world.

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