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Kardamena invites you to plunge into active rest

Kardamena island of Kos is a small picturesque town where you can relax both actively and quietly. You will definitely enjoy the non-standard volcanic sand that covers the coast. Play chess or take part in cycling? No problem! Kos Kardamena is a great solution for active tourism. If you like the area of ​​culture and a more relaxed type of vacation, then here you can visit various exhibitions, watch theater performances and concerts.

Kardamena reviews about himself keeps positive, which is supported by numerous photos and videos from tourists who have visited these places. Vacationers like well-groomed beaches, clear sea, which is a great opportunity to relax with children of different ages. Young people and older people will also find here what to do.
Kardamena Greece is a hot summer and a refreshing sea!
The bright scorching sun in the city of Kardamena Greece guarantees a hot summer, because there is almost no rain here. In winter, the climate is also mild, most often thermometers do not show below +10 ° C. These lands are rich not only in beach and sports entertainment, but also in history. Archaeological sites are famous for such architectural structures as the temple of Apollo, the sanctuary of Hercules, as well as the amphitheater of the Roman era. The ruins of basil and the church of St. Barbara are worth visiting. Lovers of Greek architecture will find a lot of old buildings that you will certainly want to take a picture of. Kardamena photos will give you unforgettable beauty, and, believe me, you will be something to impress your friends. The excursion program offers to climb Filerimos mountain and go to the Valley of the Butterflies, as well as to the village of Lindos and the Seven Sources. Kos itself is also popular thanks to the ancient Agora, Aesculapia and the Knight’s castle.
Karadmana Kos is popular with thermo-sources.
Life boils in the town 24 hours a day. The resort regularly hosts various mass events, festivals, exhibitions, championships and competitions. At least popular sirtaki, be sure, you will learn! On the places of Kardamena Kos there are reviews and wellness. For example, you can go to the gorge of Agia Irini on the island of Crete. Thermal springs and healing waters will give you a charge of vivacity and improve your health a year in advance. Ten kilometers from the capital there is a terma in which Hippocrates swam according to stories.
Kardamena is also known for its sleeping volcano.
It would be interesting for each of you to visit the crater of a sleeping volcano. It is located on the island of Nisyros. The area of ​​the place is small in size, and there are a lot of tourists who want to see the miracle of nature, so it is best to come here before 11 in the morning. Having decided to go on vacation to Kardamena, we would not advise buying an All inc. A huge number of cafes, restaurants and bars offer such an abundance of tasty and affordable dishes that you will not stay hungry, and at a price it will be cheaper than the “All Inclusive” package. In addition to traditional national dishes, try the tender steaks and stifado.
Also, do not forget about other places of rest. For example Kalamata in Greece



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